Voucher/Draw Screen Overview

Guide Steps

General Overview of Fields

  1. Vch/Draw# – The number of the voucher/draw, can manually enter or click on the field to auto-enter the number based on previous numbers
  2. Reference/Notes fields – enter in any note or reference pertaining to the entire draw, there are also individual line item notes and invoice fields
  3. Dated – auto entered, but can be manually over written
  4. System Number and Project Name – can also be modified if want to change the draw for another project
  5. Payee code and Name – the main payee for this draw, can also enter a different payee on a line basis
  6. Basic Line Items – enter in the line items if you do not need to have any separate payees aside from the main one on top
  7. Retention – where retention can be adjusted or entered on a per line item basis
  8. Related Documents – where documents, lien waivers, and preliminary notices are attached and tracked for this draw
  9. Advance – allows you to attach a separate or joint payee on a per line item basis, show break down of draw by sub/lot or fund source, and see the approvals
  10. OFF/ON button – select this to just tab through the value column

VO Overview


Overview of Buttons

  1. Import Spreadsheet – Import a budget from a Fund Control template or an excel spreadsheet, click HERE for details
  2. Add All Budget Codes – Adds all the budget codes for a project or allows you to choose specific sub/lots
  3. Spread Value Across Sub/lots – Spreads a value equally across sub/lots of a project guide is HERE
  4. Replace Field Contents – Replaces all the fields on all the line items with the value of the field you are in
  5. Suspend VO (Toggle) – Turns on and off suspending a voucher/draw
    • A suspended voucher/draw can not be paid until it is unsuspended, is not included in reports, and has no financial validations
  6. Remove Blank Values – Removes all line items with a blank value
  7. Other Quick Entry – Takes to a value only quick entry were retention can also be entered
  8. Show Budget Report – Shows the line items of a budget and they can be added to voucher/draw individually by clicking the plus button next to them

VO Overview


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