How to Submit/View Draw Requests

Guide Steps

For First Initial Draw Request Entry on a Project/Loan

  1. Click on the Loan from the list that the draw is for
  2. In the Property Details Screen click the Actions button at the top and select Create New Voucher/Draw First Draw Request
  3. When the pop-up appears select whether all the budget line items should be populated or just the ones that end up being selected
  4. Enter in the payee, line item details, and attach any documents to the request
  5. Clicking the Plus button will add a slot for you to enter a line item and the amount
    Entering Draw Request
  6. You can accept (save) to work on it at another time it by clicking the green Save button at the top
  7. After clicking Save you will be taken back to the place where clicked the Actions button originally

Any Other New Voucher/Draw Request After the First One on a Project/Loan

  1. Do it the same way as creating the First Initial Draw OR
  2. Click the Draw Requests button in the Navigation menu and open the Draw Requests window 
  3. This displays all the draw requests for the loan, the ones in red require an action
  4. Click the Actions button in the top right and then click Submit New Voucher/Draw to enter a new Voucher/Draw request
  5. When the pop-up appears select whether all the budget line items should be populated or just the ones that end up being selected
  6. Enter in the payee, line item details, and attach any documents to the request
  7. You can accept (save) to work on it at another time it by clicking the green Save button at the top
  8. Clicking on the Draw Requests option in the Navigation will give you a list of draws, you can select one to approve or to continue working onDraw Request Listing
  9. Clicking on the Draw Request itself or the Triangle button to the left opens the Draw/Invoice Request Detail screen
    1. Here is where the line items are displayed and if required, document can be approved by checking “yes” by the each designated authority (borrower, lender, general contractor)
    2. This screen also displays other details about the draw such as the draw number and date.