Combining Different Screens in a Single Find Request

Guide Steps

We have now added the ability to include data across multiple screens in a single Find in Fund Control

With the ability to combine data from different screens in a single find you can now do more detailed finds, just some examples:

  • All Commercial Loans with a specific Participant participating at below 10 percent
  • All loans tied to a specific loan officer that have over 2 sub/lots
  • All loans that are active that have a revolving line of credit larger than 25,000,000

When in Find Mode you will now see a button column to the left that you can use to go to those screens and include data from those areas in your find, below are all the screens available now:

Loans Detail Find Screen

Loans Overview Find Screen

Loans Sub/lots Find Screen

Loans Legal Find Screen

Loans Participants Screen

Loans Risk Mitigation Screen


Once done entering in your request that can include options from various different screens, you will just click the Find button to perform the find